Wednesday, April 15, 2009

For food, thoughts

I once heard a woman tell a man, that he was 'good with women' because he had sisters and he learned through them how to manipulate girls. 

So let's say my latest idea is viewed in terms of this. I have a sister, but her social life picked up after mine only. I don't think the time spent in her company pre-social really taught me a whole lot. So, skipping past all the other options - could it be possible that I developed my 'feminine side' more strongly, and in this way I can relate easier with women, because I was so desperately searching for a way into the female psyche? That in searching for a way to get a grip on things I couldn't understand, I purposefully placed myself into their shoes so to speak, so that I could gain some knowledge from this?

Or maybe it's all genes and personality randomness.. who knows.

Arrogant +_+

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