Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy sadness

I love you
and I love you, but what if that isnt enough?

They lay there, while the stars effortlessly pin wheeled across the sky. Lying in each others arms too tired to care, to thoughtful to forget. Desperate for the courage to change something, to face a future that might not be so planned out, that might not be so storybook. Days went by, turned into weeks. Problems bobbed to the surface, only to be driven under by a wave of longing, an all too human need to run from lonely nights. From days spent staring out the window, trapped inside themselves.

She left him that night; she walked out into the rain with her sling bag and her high heels. Always the combination of familiar style and elegant perfection. She walked away slowly, exploring her heart as she left the man she loves. He caught up with her that night. 3 blocks down the road. He came, half naked, heart racing, bare feet slapping the pavement. He did not let her go that night. And she was grateful. Forever these two lovers would play out their game, forever trapped in the gravity of their own relationship.

Is it destiny? No. destiny has no business in their lives. It is the soft scrape of shoes being picked up, the ripple of a dress being donned. That unmistakable sound her lips make when she blows a kiss into the air, and the silence left in a room with one less beating heart sheltered inside.

Today I was told I think too much. Why.

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