Some thinking steps:
1>'Every woman is a whore, every guy has his day'
12>'The cock, a get out of slut-label free card' and
123>'Gender equality is a bullshit story'
123>'Racial traits do exist'
123>'You cannot love everyone you meet'
12>'A framework of values and rules built on top of animal instincts'
123>'Even with religion the same base remains'
1234>'Real experience questions rules'
12345>'Real question seeking answer'
12345>'Must be fully exposed'
12345>'Open to interpretation' and
12345>'Well endowed'
12345>'Call 0800 ???? ?? for more questioning'
123>'Instincts exist for a reason, maybe the collective selfishness of the herd'
1234>'You could be acting selfish towards yourself and not even know it'
1>We define ourselves using others
12>'True freedom of behaviour cannot exist in the presence of self awareness'
123>'True freedom cannot be experienced without self awareness'
1234>'True freedom should stay the hell away from reality'
12>'We pretend to see ourselves through others' eyes'
Dating works like running a tab from a really friendly barman. As long as you keep going, ordering more and more, things will seem grand and happy. The second you stop ordering you realise how much your tab has grown, incidentally being the inverse of how small your dick feels at that second.
Thus - Guys fight hard for long term relationships, because the second that barman calls last round the gates of hell start beckoning.
Lying to yourself never solves much, but neither does admitting you are doing so. Admittance is not half the battle, people who believe this are simply blinded by the eventual success which roughly translated from admittance. In actual fact it is more like stacking one lie on top of another. I have admitted to a million problems, mistakes, logical screw ups and plain down shitty thought processes. This has brought me no battle scars, no horns calling for the hunt, no soft and swift feet speeding off into the dark over a cliff.
Wow it is hard not to simply diary a weekend of ups and downs and down downs.
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