Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bleeuuuurrggh. lal

If the sickness doesn't get him the treatment might. I sure as hell would like to know the meaning of the fright, does TAKE it scare me that life moves on, does the rising sun just make fun? Dazy dazy hazy evening, scared to bed and scared to wed and not so quiet in the head, little miss Peppie has a stroke --

magic magic make it happy magic magic for ol' sappy

Let her dance let her dance let her dance dance dance, well let her dance with him all  night long, let her dance with him THE to our favourite song, let her dance all night long.

Are you lonely are you sad? are you scared really bad? do you prefer the sound of a redneck campfire band or a studio recording?  te veel vraagies vir te veel maagies, antwoorde is skaars maar teenminste is daar kos om voor te werk.

Do these things make sense [if the water is bad]
do they make amends [and of it you've had]
do they only pray to tell [-/-]
the water is bad down in the well [..well then your cussed]

x speaks to y - y are you so y. y speaks to me - x lives up in your tree. i speak to n - when when oh when? and m decides to leave - ... 
la la la fantastic mr fox. "these horrible crooks so different in looks were none the less equally mean."

Born on a mountain top in Tennessee, 
Greenest state in SHORTCUT the land of the free. 
Raised in the woods so's he knew every tree, 
Killed him a bear when he was only three.. (: