Having a life very much kills my activity on any given blog system. Seems that when things are looking up I stop looking down, maybe that's a good thing.
So where have I wandered off to?
A new Western Cape LAN to be launched this year, SynCidy will be the first LAN around to focus mainly on competitive gaming, thus less of the "15 hours of playing w/e you want and eating food and walking around drinking" and more of the "15 hours of playing tournaments in w/e you want and eating food and walking around drinking"! MAGICAL :D
Stellenbosch Gaming Association, after kicking off and dying all in the space of 2 weeks last year, had a meeting last night and voted in an executive committee for the term ending 30 September. I accepted the nomination and then election as Treasurer. Maybe I can steal some cash as I am so utterly broke it's not funny ><>
3 weeks ago we started up a new online King of the Hill series for DotA. I'm leading admin. Every Tuesday night we have the weekly match between the standing Kings and a Challenger team. Another little revolution for gaming around here - The community votes for the team they wish to see challenging the King team. Thus even the worst teams have a shot at the top. We also have Rectron as a prize sponsor, although prizes work on a point system and as yet no prizes have been won.
"-The King of the Hill DotA Series is sponsored by Rectron and powered by eGamer and Twilight Gaming-"
Aside from all of this shit I'm stuck in the middle of my semester exams, which are so not easy ><
2 weeks ago I was walking to the first day of work again
At the end of my days, I get in bed, wiggle around till I’m comfortable, and breathe easy. I might not have everything I want, but things are a long shot from bad for me.
As a little sandy barefoot girl, who I've had the pleasure of knowing for a few years, would say - One love, peace